At Its First Anniversary, Gate Charity Credits Blockchain Implementation for Its Success

At Its First Anniversary, Gate Charity Credits Blockchain Implementation for Its Success

Jan 31 Tech Standard

On January 31, 2024, Gate Charity, a charity organization powered by blockchain and established by the cryptocurrency exchange, will celebrate its one anniversary. The organization claims that by delivering 123 humanitarian activities, this anniversary caps off a year of remarkable accomplishments.

As of its first anniversary, Gate Charity reported that more than 141,000 people in 16 different nations and areas have been influenced by its events. It also acknowledged how blockchain technology helped it accomplish its charitable objectives during the previous year. The organization claims that blockchain technology has created new avenues for open, transparent, and universally accessible charitable fundraising.

In addition to taking well-known cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin, Gate Charity used non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to support its operations. It made it possible for ownable digital artwork to be transferred across blockchains. To have an impact, the group combined it with volunteer-based work.

Among the noteworthy things Gate Charity accomplished in the last year was to raise money for the victims of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria in 2023. Additionally, it offered assistance to those impacted by the Japanese earthquake at Noto. The organization claims that in order to raise money for the disaster victims, it took advantage of blockchain technology's speed and transparency.

The group also said that one of its top targets would be Anak Dalam, an indigenous, marginalized, and impoverished community in Indonesia. Gate Charity announced that, in collaboration with SEAD Jambi, it has initiated a fundraising campaign called "Right of Education for Anak Dalam." The project is to promote social and educational initiatives that are adapted to the distinct culture and way of life of the tribe.

Gate Charity credits its creative strategy of fusing NFT fundraisers with traditional charity operations for its success. It recognized the value of its volunteer network and the approachability of its financing strategy. The group claims that these qualities allow it to assist several causes on almost every continent.


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