Farmers March on Delhi for Crop Prices, Raising Pressure Before Elections

Farmers March on Delhi for Crop Prices, Raising Pressure Before Elections

Feb 12 India Standard

Indian farmers are once again mobilizing, marching towards Delhi to demand better crop prices and press the government to fulfill its promises made in 2021. This comes just months before national elections, where Prime Minister Modi seeks a third term and agricultural votes hold significant sway.

Memories of the year-long 2021 protests that forced the repeal of farm laws are still fresh. This time, however, farmers demand higher guaranteed prices for their produce and fulfillment of the government's promise to double their income.

Police erected barricades and banned public gatherings in Delhi to halt the march, while government ministers try to negotiate with farm union leaders to avoid a repeat of the 2021 saga. Farmers, however, vow to protest peacefully and urge the government to listen to their demands.

The key issue lies in the limited reach of existing crop support prices. Announced annually for over 20 crops, only rice and wheat are actually procured by the government at these prices, leaving most farmers vulnerable to market fluctuations.

While the 2021 repeal of farm laws was a victory, farmers accuse the government of dragging its feet on guaranteeing prices for all produce. This has fueled their renewed protests, putting pressure on the government before the crucial elections.

This situation highlights the ongoing challenges faced by Indian farmers and the potential impact on the upcoming elections. Whether the government can address these concerns and appease the influential farming bloc will be crucial in the months to come.


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