You're mistaken if you believe that Web3 is just about money.

You're mistaken if you believe that Web3 is just about money.

Jan 30 Tech Standard

Our goal is to improve communication about the important aspects of the Web3 ecosystem. While many people get into cryptocurrency to make money, traditional financial constraints were the reason I started. 2020: Unable to use my neighborhood bank to access the stock market, I looked into cryptocurrency as a backup plan.

On December 31, 2020, I made my first purchase of ether and bitcoin, which was a great experience. I traded mindlessly at first because I was chasing prices, only to discover how stressful and meaningless it was. In 2020, while I was learning more about cryptocurrency, I came to understand and support decentralization.

In this new culture, making money and improving public goods together becomes a win-win for everyone. Paul Dylan-Ennis points out that cultural beliefs influence the value of money, highlighting our part in forming both culture and currency value.

Public products are cool, essential, and profitable to build.

The founder of Gitcoin, Kevin Owocki, emphasizes the value of public goods, which have the potential to be profitable in addition to being beneficial for people and the wider community. Web3 presents concrete opportunities for everyday uses, such as donating to local organizations through blockchain donations or earning bitcoin by taking part in personally fulfilling activities, debunking the myth that blockchain technology is only about making money.

Public goods in the Ethereum ecosystem include everything from educational groups and open-source software to remedies for climate change. Projects such as the Optimism Collective and Gitcoin are prime examples of community-driven initiatives that provide retroactive funding to builders. This highlights the advantages of cryptocurrency while also providing opportunities for novices and students to investigate real-world uses outside of conjecture.

By making small, deliberate efforts in the right direction, we may create a future system in which everyone is included and active involvement is not just encouraged but guaranteed.

The world's greatest technology

A quiet revolution is happening in the crypto space, and people who are aware of it see it happen every day. Even while the dominant narrative is usually negative, an increasing number of people who are naturally curious—especially students—are observing and raising questions. Although educating the present generation about Web3 and cryptocurrency is a problem, the emphasis should instead be on building the groundwork for the next.

In Web3, learning takes a different shape, moving away from the conventional dryness of theory and tests. Here, education is dynamic and is shaped daily by innovation, experimentation, and teamwork. A key player in this transition is Ornella Vallana, also known as OrnellaWeb3. She advocates for accessible web3 education and urges a change in the focus of cryptocurrency from price action to real-world impact in her role as Marketing & Community Lead at Bankless Academy. Ornella promotes the creation of public goods, happy learning, and guiding the next generation away from the deceptive appeal of price pumps.

Ornella's varied history spanning more than 15 years demonstrates her dedication to decentralized education and shifting the perception surrounding cryptocurrencies. From web3 to science and music, her goal is to make blockchain knowledge accessible to anyone. Ornella, who hosts the DAOnboarding podcast, highlights that anyone can become a BUIDLer, find their Ikigai, and make a significant contribution to the area by sharing the experiences of web3 contributors.











Crafting cinematic stories through the lens of my phone, I am a blogger and content writer who expresses the essence of my blogs through words

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