Early Bitcoin Investors, A Look Back at a Life-Changing Bet

Early Bitcoin Investors, A Look Back at a Life-Changing Bet

Aug 21 Tech Standard

Many in the crypto world dream of being early adopters, those who hold massive amounts of Bitcoin or Ethereum bought or mined years, even a decade ago. The market has transformed dramatically. Remember the famous Bitcoin pizza purchase in 2010? It would be worth nearly $600 million today!

With the recent bull run and hopes it continues, let's explore how a 2013 all-in Bitcoin bet might have fared. Back then, a Reddit user named vz88fjj poured their life savings, roughly $50,000, into Bitcoin.

Justifying this massive bet, vz88fjj cited their youth and the potential for recovery time if the market crashed. Their main hope, however, was for significant appreciation. They planned to hold for 5-10 years.

Given Bitcoin's 2013 price range of $20-$800, this bet likely paid off handsomely. Selling between 62 and 2,500 Bitcoins (purchasable for $50,000 in 2013) could have yielded a return of $187,500 to $25 million after five years, or $1.43 million to $105 million after ten.

But what if vz88fjj held onto their entire investment, a true "diamond hand" strategy? Avoiding unfortunate losses like some other investors, their 2013 life savings could be worth a staggering $150 million today (as of August 21st).


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